In any organization, stores is a physical space where inventories are stored and managed. Almost every organization need space to stock its raw material, spare parts, packaging material, equipment etc. and to use them as and when required. 

Stores department carry following responsibilities:
  • Receiving of incoming material
  • Storage and preservation
  • Identification and segregation of material
  • Material issue for production
  • Inventory management
  • Stock replenishment 
In order to carry out above mentioned responsibilities, following documents are used by stores department:

1. Procedure for receiving and storage of incoming material:

This is a defined and documented methodology which ensure effective receiving and damage free storage of material. This should include methodology for checking and verification of material, packaging, invoices, quantity etc. at incoming stage. This should outline the method for storage of material in stores highlighting storage conditions like temperature & humidity recommended, stack height, defined location for storage etc.

2. Goods Receipt Note: 

Goods Receipt Note is a record which represents receiving of goods from supplier to customer. It also acts as a proof of delivery. It is an essential document which compares the ordered quantity with received quantity. Many organizations accommodate material inspection and acceptance status in GRN to make it more productive in terms of providing useful information. A typical Goods Receipt Note includes following information:
  • Supplier's detail
  • Purchase Order reference
  • Items detail and quantity
  • Date of receipt
  • Status of acceptance/rejection

3. Raw material/spare parts inventory record:

After receiving raw material/spare parts form supplier, stores department need to update stock quantity. For this, inventory record is maintained so that changed level of inventories starts reflecting in system. An inventory record can be in any form which is convenient and most suited to organization. The ultimate purpose is to maintain inventory level of material in order to smooth running of manufacturing processes. Re Order Level (ROL) is set for materials and incorporated in inventory record to trigger the requirement of reorder if stock level falls below the set ROL. This helps on time ordering and stock replenishment to avoid obstruction in manufacturing processes.

4. Material Requisition Form:

Material Requisition Form is a document which is usually prepared by production department duly approved and submitted to stores department to request issue of material for manufacturing processes. This is an internal document and can be used by other departments as well when there is need of material/equipment/spare parts from stores. Material Requisition Form mainly serves purpose of tracking the material movement inside the organization and also ensure authorized issue and use of material. Material Requisition Form includes following information:
  • Requester name and request date
  • Material details and required quantity
  • Job no./Lot no. details against which material is required
  • Name of approving authority
  • Issue date

5. Purchase Requisition: 

Purchase Requisition is an internal document usually prepared by sores department and submitted to purchase department for restoration of stock or for new requirements. Triggered from the set ROL(Re Order Level) in inventory record, a requirement of inventory is generated for stock replenishment. This requirement is conveyed to purchase department in form of Purchase Requisition. Purchase Requisition is also used by other departments when there is new requirement of material/spare part/equipment etc. A Purchase Requirement contains following information:
  • Material details and required quantity
  • Requisition date
  • Name of requester 
  • Delivery schedule
  • Name of approving authority

6. Material Return Note:

There are several instances where production department has material leftover due to wrong estimation of quantity required or if there is change in production plan. In such cases, the production department return excess material to stores department. This return is systematically managed through a Material Return Note. A Material Return Note contains following information:
  • Details and quantity of returned material
  • Return date
  • Name of person who returned
  • Name of person who received
  • Stores receiving date


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